Choose the Identity you want, normally Main Identity. It will go into the Microsoft Database Utility mode where you can rebuild the Identity (Database).
Like Microsoft Entourage for Mac 2008, Outlook 2016 for Mac and Outlook for Mac 2011 are intended to be purely locally cached mail clients. Backup (or copy) your Office 2011 identities folder located in /Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 identities/ Press the Option (Alt) key while clicking on Outlook to open it. Drag a directory from the left navigation pane in Outlook 2011 and drop it into the finder window. Open Outlook 2011 for Mac and open a finder Window. Almost universally this means the average user doesn’t have admin rights on any machine. /Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities. I finally found a software that allows me to convert the Outlook for Mac 2011 back into Outlook for Windows 2010 PST files. It can also mean syncing all or some of the contents between a network home folder and a local home folder on a MacBook Air that routinely works off the network. This can mean that a user’s home folder resides on a file server instead of the iMac at his or her desk. Often mass deployments rely on network user accounts stored in a central directory system as opposed local accounts on each Mac. Then there’s the fact that even the simplest of applications, which Office most certainly is not, can function different in mass deployment environments.
I manually ran the import process (File > Import > Outlook 2011 data on. I quit Office 2011 and started up Office 2016. This tool a few minutes, but once it was done it started up Office 2011 without problem.
This started an ‘upgrade’ progress, apparently to update my user data store. Active testing ensures that there aren’t problems specific to an organization’s system settings, other installed software (retail and custom), or an organization’s network and infrastructure. Next, I restarted my Mac, then relaunched MS Office 2011. That said, there’s a difference between active testing and a cooling off period. A simple cooling off period of a week following a release alone has value because any major issues will likely have been discovered and reported within a week.